Thursday, March 10, 2011

Ready For Spring?

Ready for Spring?

Spring is almost upon us. It's time to bring out the colors yellows, greens, and blues. This March at Forgotten Shanghai we are all about getting ready for spring by getting rid of the clutter and bringing out the color!

One popular item to use for clearing the space and to get organized with is our colorful lacquered boxes. Some how winter, it's easy to accumulate: belongings. Papers begin to stack up, items become lost, and what was once organized is now lost in a sea of madness. We suggest are colorful lacquered file boxes. Open it up and it fits hanging file folders. Closed it’s a beautiful lacquered box. We also have a variety of shapes and sizes, and they are able to fit anything from keys to desk supplies to remote controls. Choose your favorite color to brighten the room.

Flowers are getting ready to bloom and our baskets are the perfect pieces to help bring the outdoors inside. Our contemporary ceramic baskets are great for different display in the home. For example, creating flower arrangements in the living room, holding towels in the bathroom, or magazines in the den. In addition, our oval water basket originally used to carry water from the well, but now works well for holding magazines and adding color to your room.

As you brighten up your home, we wish it will brighten up your life too. As you get ready for the coming season, we hope it will invigorate you and add a little spring to your step. To help you organize and add color to your home, we are offering 20% off all colorful containers the month of March!